Today's forest industry is working hard to become one of the greenest industries on earth.

  • What other industry plants hundreds of millions of trees every year? What other industry actually grows more of its main resource than it consumes?
  • What other industry generates most of its own energy needs from renewable resources, including waste biomass, biogas, hydro and wind?
  • What other industry uses a renewable resource and recycled stock as its main ingredients?
  • What other industry has worked harder on improving its environmental performance with partners and advocates including governments, customers and environmental groups?

Paper is an essential part of human civilization. While we all use and depend upon electronic communications, it is easy to ignore that it comes at an environmental cost. Worldwide spam email traffic creates greenhouse gases equivalent to burning two billion gallons of gasoline yearly, with numbers rising. More than 200 million items of toxic e-waste are thrown away every year in the US alone, with a recycling rate of only 18% compared to 57% for paper. Estimates are that North Americans throw out more than 500,000 toxic computers and cell phones every day.

No industry is perfect. But the paper industry has made, and continues to make, huge investments in environmental responsibility. Specifying and buying paper from certified sources ensures the continuation and growth of carbon-absorbing forests. Using paper with appropriate amounts of recycled fibre helps preserve forests, conserve energy, and maximize fibre usage through paper lifecycles.

Paper is a powerful communications medium. Use it responsibly… and recycle the paper that you use.


As we continue to deliver valuable information through the pages of this magazine, in a printed format that is appealing, reader-friendly and not lost in the proliferation of electronic messages that are bombarding our senses, we are also well aware of the need to be respectful of our environment. That is why we are committed to publishing the magazine in the most environmentally-friendly process possible. Here is what we mean:

  • We use lighter publication stock that consists of recycled paper. This paper has been certified to meet the environmental and social standards of the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) and comes from responsibly managed forests, and verified recycled sources making this a RENEWABLE and SUSTAINABLE resource.
  • Our computer-to-plate technology reduces the amount of chemistry required to create plates for the printing process. The resulting chemistry is neutralized to the extent that it can be safely discharged to the drain.
  • We use vegetable oil-based inks to print the magazine. This means that we are not using resource-depleting petroleum-based ink products and that the subsequent recycling of the paper in this magazine is much more environment friendly.
  • During the printing process, we use a solvent recycling system that separates the water from the recovered solvents and leaves only about 5% residue. This results in reduced solvent usage, handling and hazardous hauling.
  • We ensure that an efficient recycling program is used for all printing plates and all waste paper.
  • Within the pages of each issue, we actively encourage our readers to REUSE and RECYCLE.
  • In order to reduce our carbon footprint on the planet, we utilize a carbon offset program in conjunction with any air travel we undertake related to our publishing responsibilities for the magazine.

So enjoy this magazine...and KEEP THINKING GREEN.

Brought to you by Craig Kelman & Associates - publisher of this magazine and a proud supporter of the printing and paper industries.

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FALL 2023
