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Highway Hot Stove 2016 As well, our Vehicle Maintenance Council is in discussions on creating a promotional video to help educate people about the opportunities in our maintenance trades. Lorraine, can you update us on the AMTA’s Strategic Plan – what has been accomplished and what still has to be done? Lorraine We added a Business Development Manager to drive our membership initiatives and improve customer relations. This will be achieved in conjunction with the procurement of a Customer Relationship Management system. We conducted over 460 24 demonstrations on the driving simulator and enhanced our online education programs. The PIC program continues to grow and currently represents 10% of the National Safety Code (NSC) vehicles registered in Alberta. Al, you’ve announced that you are leaving the STA in October. Are you satisfied with what has been accomplished during your time with the Association? Al I would think that most Executive Directors would agree ‘the work is never done’ completely, but I feel good about what the Board, Staff and I have accomplished these past eight years. When I was hired, my mandate was to bring about some change to an organization established in 1937. Organizations should be continuing evolving and at that juncture it was time for the STA to move in other directions. We worked hard at emphasizing a more ‘provincially-motivated’ organization by seeking more members outside the main civic centres like Regina and Saskatoon. Our Board has attracted more youth and women to govern and we’ve introduced Board term limits. We’ve strengthened Board engagement. Business- wise we have jettisoned some money- losing ventures and expanded our more successful operations like HAL Insurance, a full-service brokerage keying on the transportation and commercial sectors. SPRING 2016 RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS